- Volume 37, Issue 2, 1977
Volume 37, Issue 2, 1977
- Articles
African Swine Fever Virus Replication in Porcine Lymphocytes
More LessSummaryPurified preparations of porcine lymphocytes were infected with three isolates of virulent African swine fever virus (ASFV). Electron microscopy showed the presence of small numbers of mature virus particles in degenerating cells. The titres of infective virus released were low and reached a maximum by 24 h after infection.
Replication of Herpes Simplex Virus DNA after removal of Hydroxyurea Block from Infected Cells
More LessSummaryHydroxyurea (HU) treatment of HSV-infected cells markedly inhibits the synthesis of virus DNA. Only 0.36% of the 3H-thymidine label was incorporated into virus DNA in the presence of HU as compared to untreated infected cells. Removal of HU resulted in a renewed synthesis of virus DNA as determined by the gradual increase in the incorporation of 3H-thymidine into HSV DNA. The labelled virus DNA molecules were isolated and chromatographed on benzoylated napthoylated DEAE (BND)-cellulose columns to separate the replicative intermediates that have single-stranded (ss) sequences from the mature double-stranded (ds) DNA genomes. Mature radioactive dsDNA molecules were found to appear at 22 min after removal of HU and gradually increased in amount thereafter. The virus DNA molecules synthesized during the initial 20 min after removal of HU, constitute the replicative intermediates of HSV DNA. It was calculated that the synthesis of HSV DNA proceeds at the rate of about 5 × 106 daltons per min.
Observations on the Morphology of two Rotaviruses
More LessSummaryThe negative staining technique was used to study the morphology of two rotaviruses, the epizootic diarrhoea of infant mice (EDIM) and the simian virus SA 11. It is proposed that the inner capsid of the virion has icosahedral symmetry and consists of 180 morphological units arranged in an open lattice formation with the 12 spaces at the apices being surrounded by 5 capsomeres and the other 80 spaces each surrounded by six capsomeres. The outer capsid of the virion consists of a honeycomb-like lattice which corresponds to the lattice arrangement of the inner capsid.
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