- Volume 101, Issue 10, 2020
Volume 101, Issue 10, 2020
- Insight Review
Insights into SARS-CoV-2, the Coronavirus Underlying COVID-19: Recent Genomic Data and the Development of Reverse Genetics Systems
The emergence and rapid worldwide spread of a novel pandemic of acute respiratory disease – eventually named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) by the World Health Organization (WHO) – across the human population has raised great concerns. It prompted a mobilization around the globe to study the underlying pathogen, a close relative of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Numerous genome sequences of SARS-CoV-2 are now available and in-depth analyses are advancing. These will allow detailed characterization of sequence and protein functions, including comparative studies. Care should be taken when inferring function from sequence information alone, and reverse genetics systems can be used to unequivocally identify key features. For example, the molecular markers of virulence, host range and transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 can be compared to those of related viruses in order to shed light on the biology of this emerging pathogen. Here, we summarize some recent insights from genomic studies and strategies for reverse genetics systems to generate recombinant viruses, which will be useful to investigate viral genome properties and evolution.
- ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Caulimoviridae
Caulimoviridae is a family of non-enveloped reverse-transcribing plant viruses with non-covalently closed circular dsDNA genomes of 7.1–9.8 kbp in the order Ortervirales. They infect a wide range of monocots and dicots. Some viruses cause economically important diseases of tropical and subtropical crops. Transmission occurs through insect vectors (aphids, mealybugs, leafhoppers, lace bugs) and grafting. Activation of infectious endogenous viral elements occurs in Musa balbisiana, Petunia hybrida and Nicotiana edwardsonii. However, most endogenous caulimovirids are not infectious. This is a summary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) Report on the family Caulimoviridae, which is available at ictv.global/report/caulimoviridae.
- Animal
- Double-strand RNA Virus
Characterization of mammalian orthoreoviruses isolated from faeces of pigs in Zambia
Mammalian orthoreovirus (MRV) has been identified in humans, livestock and wild animals; this wide host range allows individual MRV to transmit into multiple species. Although several interspecies transmission and genetic reassortment events of MRVs among humans, livestock and wildlife have been reported, the genetic diversity and geographic distribution of MRVs in Africa are poorly understood. In this study, we report the first isolation and characterization of MRVs circulating in a pig population in Zambia. In our screening, MRV genomes were detected in 19.7 % (29/147) of faecal samples collected from pigs by reverse transcription PCR. Three infectious MRV strains (MRV-85, MRV-96 and MRV-117) were successfully isolated, and their complete genomes were sequenced. Recombination analyses based on the complete genome sequences of the isolated MRVs demonstrated that MRV-96 shared the S3 segment with a different MRV isolated from bats, and that the L1 and M3 segments of MRV-117 originated from bat and human MRVs, respectively. Our results suggest that the isolated MRVs emerged through genetic reassortment events with interspecies transmission. Given the lack of information regarding MRVs in Africa, further surveillance of MRVs circulating among humans, domestic animals and wildlife is required to assess potential risk for humans and animals.
- Negative-strand RNA Viruses
In vivo comparison of a laboratory-adapted and clinical-isolate-based recombinant human respiratory syncytial virus
Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is the leading cause of severe respiratory tract disease in infants. Most HRSV infections remain restricted to the upper respiratory tract (URT), but in a small percentage of patients the infection spreads to the lower respiratory tract, resulting in bronchiolitis or pneumonia. We have a limited understanding of HRSV pathogenesis and what factors determine disease severity, partly due to the widespread use of tissue-culture-adapted viruses. Here, we studied early viral dissemination and tropism of HRSV in cotton rats, BALB/cJ mice and C57BL/6 mice. We used a novel recombinant (r) strain based on a subgroup A clinical isolate (A11) expressing EGFP [rHRSVA11EGFP(5)]. A recombinant laboratory-adapted HRSV strain [rHRSVA2EGFP(5)] was used as a direct comparison. Our results show that rHRSVA11EGFP(5) replicated to higher viral titres than laboratory-adapted rHRSVA2EGFP(5) in the URT of cotton rats and mice. HRSV-infected cells were detected as early as 2 days post-inoculation in both species in the nasal septa and lungs. Infection was predominantly present in ciliated epithelial cells in cotton rats and in the olfactory mucosa of mice. In our opinion, this study highlights that the choice of virus strain is important when studying HRSV pathogenesis in vivo and demonstrates that A11 is a representative clinical-based virus. Additionally, we show critical differences in tropism and inflammation when comparing HRSV infection of cotton rats and mice.
Hantavirus infection in type I interferon receptor-deficient (A129) mice
Type I interferon receptor knockout mice (strain A129) were assessed as a disease model of hantavirus infection. A range of infection routes (intramuscular, intraperitoneal and intranasal) were assessed using minimally passaged Seoul virus (strain Humber). Dissemination of virus to the spleen, kidney and lung was observed at 5 days after intramuscular and intraperitoneal challenge, which was resolved by day 14. In contrast, intranasal challenge of A129 mice demonstrated virus tropism to the lung, which was maintained to day 14 post-challenge. These data support the use of the A129 mouse model for future infection studies and the in vivo evaluation of interventions.
Recombinant subtype A and B human respiratory syncytial virus clinical isolates co-infect the respiratory tract of cotton rats
Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is an important respiratory pathogen causing a spectrum of illness, from common cold-like symptoms, to bronchiolitis and pneumonia requiring hospitalization in infants, the immunocompromised and the elderly. HRSV exists as two antigenic subtypes, A and B, which typically cycle biannually in separate seasons. There are many unresolved questions in HRSV biology regarding the interactions and interplay of the two subtypes. Therefore, we generated a reverse genetics system for a subtype A HRSV from the 2011 season (A11) to complement our existing subtype B reverse genetics system. We obtained the sequence (HRSVA11) directly from an unpassaged clinical sample and generated the recombinant (r) HRSVA11. A version of the virus expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) from an additional transcription unit in the fifth (5) position of the genome, rHRSVA11EGFP(5), was also generated. rHRSVA11 and rHRSVA11EGFP(5) grew comparably in cell culture. To facilitate animal co-infection studies, we derivatized our subtype B clinical isolate using reverse genetics toexpress the red fluorescent protein (dTom)-expressing rHRSVB05dTom(5). These viruses were then used to study simultaneous in vivo co-infection of the respiratory tract. Following intranasal infection, both rHRSVA11EGFP(5) and rHRSVB05dTom(5) infected cotton rats targeting the same cell populations and demonstrating that co-infection occurs in vivo. The implications of this finding on viral evolution are important since it shows that inter-subtype cooperativity and/or competition is feasible in vivo during the natural course of the infection.
- Positive-strand RNA Viruses
The 3A protein of coxsackievirus B3 acts as a viral suppressor of RNA interference
Jingfang Mu, Haobo Zhang, Tao Li, Ting Shu, Yang Qiu and Xi ZhouRNA interference (RNAi) is a potent antiviral defence mechanism in eukaryotes, and numerous viruses have been found to encode viral suppressors of RNAi (VSRs). Coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) belongs to the genus Enterovirus in the family Picornaviridae, and has been reported to be a major causative pathogen for viral myocarditis. Despite the importance of CVB3, it is unclear whether CVB3 can also encode proteins that suppress RNAi. Here, we showed that the CVB3 nonstructural protein 3A suppressed RNAi triggered by either small hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) or small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) in mammalian cells. We further uncovered that CVB3 3A interacted directly with double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) and siRNAs in vitro. Through mutational analysis, we found that the VSR activity of CVB3 3A was significantly reduced by mutations of D24A/L25A/L26A, Y37A/C38A and R60A in conserved residues. In addition, the 3A protein encoded by coxsackievirus B5 (CVB5), another member of Enterovirus, also showed VSR activity. Taken together, our findings showed that CVB3 3A has in vitro VSR activity, thereby providing insights into the pathogenesis of CVB3 and other enteroviruses.
Antiviral and virucidal effects of curcumin on transmissible gastroenteritis virus in vitro
More LessEmerging coronaviruses represent serious threats to human and animal health worldwide, and no approved therapeutics are currently available. Here, we used Transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) as the alpha-coronavirus model, and investigated the antiviral properties of curcumin against TGEV. Our results demonstrated that curcumin strongly inhibited TGEV proliferation and viral protein expression in a dose-dependent manner. We also observed that curcumin exhibited direct virucidal abilities in a dose-, temperature- and time-dependent manner. Furthermore, time-of-addition assays showed that curcumin mainly acted in the early phase of TGEV replication. Notably, in an adsorption assay, curcumin at 40 µM resulted in a reduction in viral titres of 3.55 log TCID50 ml–1, indicating that curcumin possesses excellent inhibitory effects on the adsorption of TGEV. Collectively, we demonstrate for the first time that curcumin has virucidal activity and virtual inhibition against TGEV, suggesting that curcumin might be a candidate drug for effective control of TGEV infection.
A putative new SARS-CoV protein, 3c, encoded in an ORF overlapping ORF3a
More LessIdentification of the full complement of genes in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a crucial step towards gaining a fuller understanding of its molecular biology. However, short and/or overlapping genes can be difficult to detect using conventional computational approaches, whereas high-throughput experimental approaches – such as ribosome profiling – cannot distinguish translation of functional peptides from regulatory translation or translational noise. By studying regions showing enhanced conservation at synonymous sites in alignments of SARS-CoV-2 and related viruses (subgenus Sarbecovirus) and correlating the results with the conserved presence of an open reading frame (ORF) and a plausible translation mechanism, a putative new gene – ORF3c – was identified. ORF3c overlaps ORF3a in an alternative reading frame. A recently published ribosome profiling study confirmed that ORF3c is indeed translated during infection. ORF3c is conserved across the subgenus Sarbecovirus, and encodes a 40–41 amino acid predicted transmembrane protein.
A novel antiviral formulation inhibits a range of enveloped viruses
Some free fatty acids derived from milk and vegetable oils are known to have potent antiviral and antibacterial properties. However, therapeutic applications of short- to medium-chain fatty acids are limited by physical characteristics such as immiscibility in aqueous solutions. We evaluated a novel proprietary formulation based on an emulsion of short-chain caprylic acid, ViroSAL, for its ability to inhibit a range of viral infections in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, ViroSAL inhibited the enveloped viruses Epstein–Barr, measles, herpes simplex, Zika and orf parapoxvirus, together with Ebola, Lassa, vesicular stomatitis and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 1 (SARS-CoV-1) pseudoviruses, in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Evaluation of the components of ViroSAL revealed that caprylic acid was the main antiviral component; however, the ViroSAL formulation significantly inhibited viral entry compared with caprylic acid alone. In vivo, ViroSAL significantly inhibited Zika and Semliki Forest virus replication in mice following the inoculation of these viruses into mosquito bite sites. In agreement with studies investigating other free fatty acids, ViroSAL had no effect on norovirus, a non-enveloped virus, indicating that its mechanism of action may be surfactant disruption of the viral envelope. We have identified a novel antiviral formulation that is of great interest for the prevention and/or treatment of a broad range of enveloped viruses, particularly those of the skin and mucosal surfaces.
Multiple novel non-canonically transcribed sub-genomic mRNAs produced by avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus
Coronavirus sub-genomic mRNA (sgmRNA) synthesis occurs via a process of discontinuous transcription involving complementary transcription regulatory sequences (TRSs), one (TRS-L) encompassing the leader sequence of the 5′ untranslated region (UTR), and the other upstream of each structural and accessory gene (TRS-B). Several coronaviruses have an ORF located between the N gene and the 3′-UTR, an area previously thought to be non-coding in the Gammacoronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) due to a lack of a canonical TRS-B. Here, we identify a non-canonical TRS-B allowing for a novel sgmRNA relating to this ORF to be produced in several strains of IBV: Beaudette, CR88, H120, D1466, Italy-02 and QX. Interestingly, the potential protein produced by this ORF is prematurely truncated in the Beaudette strain. A single nucleotide deletion was made in the Beaudette strain allowing for the generation of a recombinant IBV (rIBV) that had the potential to express a full-length protein. Assessment of this rIBV in vitro demonstrated that restoration of the full-length potential protein had no effect on viral replication. Further assessment of the Beaudette-derived RNA identified a second non-canonically transcribed sgmRNA located within gene 2. Deep sequencing analysis of allantoic fluid from Beaudette-infected embryonated eggs confirmed the presence of both the newly identified non-canonically transcribed sgmRNAs and highlighted the potential for further yet unidentified sgmRNAs. This HiSeq data, alongside the confirmation of non-canonically transcribed sgmRNAs, indicates the potential of the coronavirus genome to encode a larger repertoire of genes than has currently been identified.
- Small DNA Virus
Bat-borne polyomaviruses in Europe reveal an evolutionary history of intrahost divergence with horseshoe bats distributed across the African and Eurasian continents
Polyomaviruses (PyVs) are small, circular dsDNA viruses carried by diverse vertebrates, including bats. Although previous studies have reported several horseshoe bat PyVs collected in Zambia and China, it is still unclear how PyVs evolved in this group of widely dispersed mammals. Horseshoe bats (genus Rhinolophus) are distributed across the Old World and are natural reservoirs of numerous pathogenic viruses. Herein, non-invasive bat samples from European horseshoe bat species were collected in Hungary for PyV identification and novel PyVs with complete genomes were successfully recovered from two different European horseshoe bat species. Genomic and phylogenetic analysis of the Hungarian horseshoe bat PyVs supported their classification into the genera Alphapolyomavirus and Betapolyomavirus. Notably, despite the significant geographical distances between the corresponding sampling locations, Hungarian PyVs exhibited high genetic relatedness with previously described Zambian and Chinese horseshoe bat PyVs, and phylogenetically clustered with these viruses in each PyV genus. Correlation and virus–host relationship analysis suggested that these PyVs co-diverged with their European, African and Asian horseshoe bat hosts distributed on different continents during their evolutionary history. Additionally, assessment of selective pressures over the major capsid protein (VP1) of horseshoe bat PyVs showed sites under positive selection located in motifs exposed to the exterior of the capsid. In summary, our findings revealed a pattern of stable intrahost divergence of horseshoe bat PyVs with their mammalian hosts on the African and Eurasian continents over evolutionary time.
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