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In this study, characterization of the gene of small ruminant lentiviruses was carried out in Italian mixed flocks. The nearly complete gene was amplified and sequenced. Within genotype A, subtype A1 and a novel subtype, A8, were found in goats, and another novel subtype, A9, was found in both sheep and goats. Subtype B1 was found in both host species and subtype B2 was identified only in sheep. A novel, highly divergent sequence was obtained from goats in two epidemiologically related flocks and is proposed to represent a novel genotype, E. Major epitopes of matrix and capsid antigen were highly divergent, suggesting that serological identification of animals infected with genotype E may have been missed by using currently available diagnostic tests. A recombinant subunit ELISA, based on genotype E-specific epitopes, was developed and a third independent flock carrying this genotype was identified, based on serology.


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