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In contrast to previous observations on phloem-limited geminiviruses supported in movement andaccumulation by RNA viruses such as cucumo- and tobamoviruses, tissue infiltration by (AbMV) was enhanced by neither nor (ToMV) in two different hosts, and tomato. Both tobamoviruses exerted a negative effect on the DNA virus, resulting in a decrease in AbMV accumulation and significantly reduced infectivity in . Despite these unexpected molecular observations, a striking synergistic enhancement in pathogenicity occurred with respectto stunting and necrosis. hybridization revealed that this was not due to any alteration of tissue infiltration by AbMV, which also remained limited to the phloem in the mixed infections. Transgenically expressed ToMV 30K movement protein was not able to induce phloemescape of AbMV in tomato plants and did not lead to any obvious change in begomovirus symptomatology.


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