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Sixty-two new Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) isolates were obtained from mosquitoes, biting midges, human cerebrospinal fluid and human blood samples in China during 2002–2005. The E and prM genes were sequenced and phylogenetic analyses were performed with 38 JEV other isolates from China and 36 JEV strains from other countries. Phylogenetic trees based on the E and prM gene sequences were similar. The results indicate that: (i) recent JEV isolates from China are divided into two genotypes, genotype 1 and genotype 3; (ii) recent JEV isolates from China are grouped into the same clusters within genotypes 1 and 3; and (iii) genotype 1 JEV strains have been isolated in China since 1979, whilst genotype 3 JEV strains were isolated before the 1970s. The results suggest that genotype 1 JEV was introduced to China around 1979 and that JEV strains belonging to genotypes 1 and 3 circulate in China.


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