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A series of deletion mutants of tobacco mosaic virus movement protein (TMV-MP) was used to identify domains of the protein necessary for membrane association. A membrane fraction was isolated from tobacco BY-2 protoplasts infected with wild-type and mutant TMV that produce MP carrying a 3 aa deletion. Deletions that affected membrane association were clustered around the two major hydrophobic regions of MP that are predicted to be transmembrane. Deletions in other hydrophobic regions also reduced membrane association. In addition, a non-functional mutant of MP, in which one of the known phosphorylation sites was eliminated, was not associated with cellular membranes, while a functional second site revertant restored membrane association. This indicates that MP function requires interaction with membrane; however, membrane association was not sufficient for function. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that TMV-MP is an integral or tightly associated membrane protein that includes two hydrophobic transmembrane domains.


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