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A total of 154 partial nucleotide sequences within the (BanMMV) ORF1, which encodes the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), was obtained from 68 distinct infected banana accessions originating from various locations worldwide. The 310 nt sequences displayed a high level of variability with a mean pairwise nucleotide sequence divergence level of 20·4 %. This situation resulted essentially from a high rate of synonymous mutations. A similar analysis was performed for a limited selection of 10 banana accessions (30 sequences) on the region comprising approximately the last 310 nt of the BanMMV genome. This region corresponds to the 3′ end of ORF5, which encodes the coat protein (234 nt), and to the 3′ non-coding region. This analysis confirmed the high level of diversity observed in the RdRp dataset, characterized by a high level of synonymous mutations. Analysis of intra-host diversity indicated the existence of two distinct situations, with some plants containing only closely related sequence variants, whereas others contained widely divergent isolates. Analyses indicated that BanMMV genetic diversity is not structured by the geographical origin of the infected accessions or by their genotype. This situation may be, in part, explained by the exchange of banana germplasm between different parts of the world and also by plant-to-plant transfer of virus isolates, the evidence for which is, for the first time, provided by this study.


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