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The proteasome is a multicatalytic complex involved in many cellular processes in eukaryotes, such as protein and RNA turnover, cell division, signal transduction, transcription and translation. Intracellular pathogens are targets of its enzymic activities, and a number of animal viruses are known to interfere with these activities. The first evidence that a plant virus protein, the helper component-proteinase (HcPro) of (LMV; genus ), interferes with the 20S proteasome ribonuclease is reported here. LMV infection caused an aggregation of the 20S proteasome to high-molecular mass structures , and specific binding of HcPro to the proteasome was confirmed using two different approaches. HcPro inhibited the 20S endonuclease activity , while its proteolytic activities were unchanged or slightly stimulated. This ability of HcPro, a pathogenicity regulator of potyviruses, to interfere with some of the catalytic functions of the 20S proteasome suggests the existence of a novel type of defence and counter-defence interplay in the course of interaction between potyviruses and their hosts.


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