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The major inner capsid protein (VP6) gene of the bovine group B rotavirus (GBR) Nemuro strain is 1269 nt in length and contains one open reading frame encoding 391 aa. Nucleotide and amino acid sequence identities of the Nemuro VP6 gene compared with the published corresponding human and rodent GBR genes were respectively 66–67 and 70–72 %, which are notably lower than those between human and rodent viruses (72–73 and 83–84 %, respectively). Overall identities of VP6 genes among GBRs were substantially lower than those among both group A rotaviruses (GARs) and group C rotaviruses (GCRs) derived from different species of mammals. These results demonstrate that bovine GBR is remarkably distinct from other GBRs and that GBRs from different species may have had a longer period of divergence than GARs and GCRs. Recombinant VP6 was generated with a baculovirus expression system and used for an ELISA to detect GBR antibodies. All 13 paired sera from adult cows with GBR-induced diarrhoea in the field showed antibody responses in the ELISA. In serological surveys of GBR infection using the ELISA, 47 % of cattle sera were positive for GBR antibodies, with a higher antibody prevalence in adults than in young cattle. In pigs, a high prevalence of GBR antibodies (97 %) was detected in sera from sows. These results suggest that GBR infection is common in cattle and pigs, notwithstanding the scarcity of reports of GBR detection in these species to date.


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