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(CPMV) moves from cell to cell by transporting virus particles via tubules formed through plasmodesmata by the movement protein (MP). On the surface of protoplasts, a fusion between the MP and the green fluorescent protein forms similar tubules and peripheral punctate spots. Here it was shown by time-lapse microscopy that tubules can grow out from a subset of these peripheral punctate spots, which are dynamic structures that seem anchored to the plasma membrane. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments showed that MP subunits interacted within the tubule, where they were virtually immobile, confirming that tubules consist of a highly organized MP multimer. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments with protoplasts, transiently expressing fluorescent plasma membrane-associated proteins of different sizes, indicated that tubules made by CPMV MP do not interact directly with the surrounding plasma membrane. These experiments indicated an indirect interaction between the tubule and the surrounding plasma membrane, possibly via a host plasma membrane protein.


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