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The genetic variability and population structure of a collection of 45 (GLRaV-3) isolates were studied by single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and sequence analysis of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), heat-shock protein 70 homologue (HSP-70) and coat protein (CP) genes. The distribution of SSCP profiles was not correlated with the geographical origin of the isolates, indicating that GLRaV-3 is a single, undifferentiated population. The majority of the isolates showed an SSCP profile and a population structure that were composed of a single predominant variant. However, 10 % of the isolates for the RdRp and HSP-70 genes and 15 % for the CP gene were composed of a combination of two or more variants. Estimation of genetic diversity and phylogenetic analysis disclosed the possible existence of vines with mixed infections by diverging sequence variants, showing, in some cases, possible recombination events. Furthermore, differences in the genetic diversity and constraints existing in the three regions analysed indicated a higher variability in the CP gene. The epidemiological and biological implications of this finding are discussed.


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