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type 2 (PCV2) is recognized as a primary cause in post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). In this study, both PCV1 and PCV2 types were studied in pigs originating from PMWS-affected (+) and non-affected (−) herds from Brittany. PCV2 was identified by PCR in 100 % of animals from PMWS(+) herds and in 76 % from PMWS(−) herds, while PCV1 was not detected. The complete sequences of 38 PCV2 isolates were determined and 23 new variants were identified, displaying between 94·6 and 99·9 % nucleotide identity with one another. Although highly related to all the PCV2 sequences available in databases, the isolates from France gathered in a distinct subcluster. Compared with the 13 PCV2 from PMWS(+) farms, the 10 PMWS(−) sequences exhibited a slightly higher variability. No viral molecular marker specific to a pathogenic state could be identified, even by including other PCV2 variants isolated from PMWS-suffering animals from other countries. We concluded that the PMWS outbreaks in Brittany are most likely not due to the emergence of a new genotype of circovirus.


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