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Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is a worldwide-occurring lentivirus that severely impairs the immune function of infected domestic cats. Due to structural and biological similarities, FIV represents a promising model for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and AIDS. A major obstacle in developing vaccines against lentiviruses is their high mutation rate. Furthermore, mutations in target sequences provide a pitfall for molecular diagnostics. It is therefore important to determine the genetic diversity of lentiviruses in any region where vaccination or implementation of new diagnostic techniques are planned. This study presents a phylogenetic analysis of 30 FIV strains derived from Central Europe. In order to improve the reliability of genotyping, DNA from two different proviral genes was amplified and comparative phylogenetic trees were inferred. The highly coincident results point to the existence of extensive virus variation with the presence of at least two highly divergent subtypes of FIV in Austria and Germany.


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