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A papillomavirus (PV) that naturally infects laboratory mice will provide an extremely valuable tool for PV research. We describe here the isolation, cloning and molecular analysis of the first novel laboratory-mouse PV, designated MusPV. This agent, recently identified in the tissues from florid and asymmetrical papillomas on the face of nude mice (NMRI-), was demonstrated to be transmissible to immunocompetent mice ( Ingle , 2010 ). The MusPV genome is 7510 bp in length, is organized similarly to those of other PVs and has at least seven ORFs (E1, E2, E4, E6, E7, L1 and L2). Phylogenetic analysis indicates that MusPV belongs to the genus together with four other rodent PVs (McPV2, MaPV1, MmiPV and RnPV1). Of the rodent PVs, MusPV appears most closely related to PV (McPV2), with 65 % genomic homogeneity and 80 % L1 amino acid similarity. Rodent PVs, except for MnPV1, do not contain any identifiable retinoblastoma protein (RB) binding sites. MusPV has one putative RB-binding site on the E6 protein but not on the E7 protein. Non-coding regions (NCRs) of PVs maintain multiple binding sites for transcription factors (TFs). The NCR of MusPV has numerous sites for TF binding, of which at least 13 TFs are common to all PVs in the genus. MusPV provides a potentially valuable, novel mouse model to study mechanisms of infection, oncology and novel preventive and therapeutic approaches in mice that can be translated to diseases caused by human PVs.


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vol. , part 3, pp. 692–698

Transmission electron micrographs of mouse papillomavirus (MusPV). Putative binding motifs for viral gene transcription in non-coding regions.

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