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The small hydrophobic (SH) protein of mumps virus has been reported to interfere with innate immunity by inhibiting tumour necrosis factor alpha-mediated apoptosis. In a yeast two-hybrid screen we have identified the ataxin-1 ubiquitin-like interacting protein (A1Up) as a cellular target of the SH protein. A1Up contains an amino-terminal ubiquitin-like (UbL) domain, a carboxy-terminal ubiquitin-associated (UbA) domain and two stress-inducible heat shock chaperonin-binding (Sti1) motifs. This places it within the ubiquitin-like protein family that is involved in proteasome-mediated activities. Co-immunoprecipitation confirmed the binding of SH and A1Up and demonstrates that a truncated protein fragment corresponding to aa 136–270 of A1Up, which represents the first Sti1-like repeat and an adjacent hydrophobic region, was sufficient for interaction, whereas neither the UbL nor the UbA domains were required for interaction. The ectopic expression of A1Up leads to a redistribution of SH to punctate structures that co-localize with the 20S proteasome in transfected or infected mammalian cells.


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vol. , part 11, pp. 2773 –2781

Sequences of primers.

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