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Here we characterize the interaction between the glycoproteins (Gn and Gc) and the ribonucleoprotein (RNP) of Puumala virus (PUUV; genus , family ). The interaction was initially established with native proteins by co-immunoprecipitating PUUV nucleocapsid (N) protein with the glycoprotein complex. Mapping of the interaction sites revealed that the N protein has multiple binding sites in the cytoplasmic tail (CT) of Gn and is also able to bind to the predicted CT of Gc. The importance of Gn- and Gc-CTs to the recognition of RNP was further verified in pull-down assays using soluble peptides with binding capacity to both recombinant N protein and the RNPs of PUUV and Tula virus. Additionally, the N protein of PUUV was demonstrated to interact with peptides of Gn and Gc from a variety of hantavirus species, suggesting a conserved RNP-recognition mechanism within the genus. Based on these and our previous results, we suggest that the complete hetero-oligomeric (Gn–Gc) spike complex of hantaviruses mediates the packaging of RNP into virions.


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vol. , part 9, pp. 2341–2350

(a) BacN binding to Gc-CT of PUUV. (b) RNP binding to Gc-CT of PUUV.

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