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virus 86 (EhV-86) belongs to the family , a group of viruses that infect a wide range of freshwater and marine eukaryotic algae. is one of the five families that belong to a large and phylogenetically diverse group of viruses known as nucleocytoplasmic large dsDNA viruses (NCLDVs). To date, our understanding of algal NCLDV entry is based on the entry mechanisms of members of the genera and , both of which consist of non-enveloped viruses that ‘inject’ their genome into their host via a viral inner-membrane host plasma membrane fusion mechanism, leaving an extracellular viral capsid. Using a combination of confocal and electron microscopy, this study demonstrated for the first time that EhV-86 differs from its algal virus counterparts in two fundamental areas. Firstly, its capsid is enveloped by a lipid membrane, and secondly, EhV-86 enters its host via either an endocytotic or an envelope fusion mechanism in which an intact nucleoprotein core still encapsulated by its capsid is seen in the host cytoplasm. Real-time fluorescence microscopy showed that viral internalization and virion breakdown took place within the host on a timescale of seconds. At around 4.5 h post-infection, virus progeny were released via a budding mechanism during which EhV-86 virions became enveloped with host plasma membrane. EhV-86 therefore appears to have an infection mechanism different from that employed by other algal NCLDVs, with entry and exit strategies showing a greater analogy to animal-like NCLDVs.


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