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Various herpesviruses have been discovered in marine mammals and are associated with a wide spectrum of disease. In the present study we describe the detection and phylogenetic analysis of a novel gammaherpesvirus, tentatively called phocine herpesvirus 7 (PhHV-7), which was detected in samples collected during an outbreak of ulcerative gingivitis and glossitis from juvenile harbour seals () at the Seal Rehabilitation and Research Centre, the Netherlands. The presence of this novel gammaherpesvirus was confirmed by viral metagenomics, while no other viruses other than four novel anelloviruses were detected. However, PhHV-7 DNA was also detected in harbour and grey seals () without gingivitis or glossitis. Genetic analysis of the partial polymerase gene of PhHV-7 detected in both species revealed limited sequence variation. Additional studies are needed to elucidate whether the viruses discovered played a role in the disease observed.


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