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Multipartite virus genomes are composed of two or more segments, each packaged into an independent viral particle. A potential advantage of multipartitism is the regulation of gene expression through changes in the segment copy number. Soil-borne beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) is a typical example of multipartism, given its high number of genomic positive-sense RNAs (up to five). Here we analyse the relative frequencies of the four genomic RNAs of BNYVV type B during infection of different host plants (, a and ) and organs (leaves and roots). By successfully validating a two-step reverse-transcriptase digital droplet PCR protocol, we show that RNA1 and -2 genomic segments always replicate at low and comparable relative frequencies. In contrast, RNA3 and -4 accumulate with variable relative frequencies, resulting in distinct RNA1 : RNA2 : RNA3 : RNA4 ratios, depending on the infected host species and organ.

This study was supported by the:
  • Università Italo Francese (Award C2-101)
    • Principle Award Recipient: MattiaDall'Ara

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