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Betanodaviruses have bi-segmented positive-sense RNA genomes, consisting of RNAs 1 and 2. For some members of the related genus alphanodavirus, the 3′ terminal 50 nucleotides (nt) of RNA2, including a predicted stem-loop structure (3′SL), are essential for replication. We investigate the possible existence and role of a similar structure in a reassortant betanodavirus strain (RGNNV/SJNNV). In this study, we developed three recombinant strains containing nucleotide changes at positions 1408 and 1412. Predictive models showed stem-loop structures involving nt 1398–1421 of the natural reassortant whereas this structure is modified in the recombinant viruses harbouring point mutations r1408 and r1408–1412, but not in r1412. Results obtained from infectivity assays showed differences between the reference strains and the mutants in both RNA1 and RNA2 synthesis. Moreover, an imbalance between the synthesis of both segments was demonstrated, mainly with the double mutant. All these results suggest an interaction between RNA1 and the 3′ non-coding regions (3′NCR) of RNA2. In addition, the significant attenuation of the virulence for Senegalese sole and the delayed replication of r1408–1412 in brain tissues may point to an interaction of RNA2 with host cellular proteins.

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