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Southeastern Brazil has been suffering a rapid expansion of a severe sylvatic yellow fever virus (YFV) outbreak since late 2016, which has reached one of the most populated zones in Brazil and South America, heretofore a yellow fever-free zone for more than 70 years. In the current study, we describe the complete genome of 12 YFV samples from mosquitoes, humans and non-human primates from the Brazilian 2017 epidemic. All of the YFV sequences belong to the modern lineage (sub-lineage 1E) of South American genotype I, having been circulating for several months prior to the December 2016 detection. Our data confirm that viral strains associated with the most severe YF epidemic in South America in the last 70 years display unique amino acid substitutions that are mainly located in highly conserved positions in non-structural proteins. Our data also corroborate that YFV has spread southward into Rio de Janeiro state following two main sylvatic dispersion routes that converged at the border of the great metropolitan area comprising nearly 12 million unvaccinated inhabitants. Our original results can help public health authorities to guide the surveillance, prophylaxis and control measures required to face such a severe epidemiological problem. Finally, it will also inspire other workers to further investigate the epidemiological and biological significance of the amino acid polymorphisms detected in the Brazilian 2017 YFV strains.


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