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Non-polio enteroviruses are a ubiquitous and divergent group of non-enveloped RNA viruses. Novel types are reported regularly in addition to over 100 known types; however, mechanisms of emergence of novel types remain obscure. Here, the 33 most common types represented by 35–629 non-redundant partial VP1 sequences in GenBank were studied in parallel using Bayesian coalescent molecular clock analysis to investigate common evolutionary trends among enterovirus types. Inferred substitution rates were in the range of 0.41×10 to 3.07×10 substitutions per site per year. The most recent common ancestors of known isolates of each type presumably existed between 55 and 200 years ago. Phylogenetic analysis results suggested that global type populations underwent bottlenecks that could repeatedly reset the common ancestor dates. Nevertheless, species-level analysis suggested that the contemporary enterovirus types emerged within the last millennium. Analysis of 2657 complete VP1 sequences of the 24 most common types indicated that the type criterion based upon 75 % nucleotide sequence identity remains generally valid, despite exponential growth of the number of known sequences and a high rate of mutation fixation. However, in few types there was evidence that enteroviruses can drift slightly beyond the type threshold, up to 73 % identity, and both amino acid and nucleotide sequences should be considered for type identification. Analysis of sequence distances within types implied that sequence-identity-based identification of genotypes is rational within some, but not all, types and distinct genotype cut-offs (9–20 %) may be useful for different types.


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