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Monoclonal antibodies were raised against helper component-proteinase (HcPro) purified from plants infected with the potyvirus (LMV). These antibodies were used in a two-site triple antibody sandwich ELISA assay together with polyclonal antibodies directed against purified virions. An interaction between HcPro and the viral coat protein (CP) was demonstrated in extracts of LMV-infected leaves, as well as for two other potyviruses, and . The CP–HcPro interaction was not abolished in LMV derivatives with an HcPro GFP N-terminal fusion, or with a deletion from the CP of the amino acids involved in aphid transmission. Electron microscopy indicated that HcPro probably does not interact with the CP in the form of assembled virions or virus-like particles. Together, these results suggest that the interaction detected between CP and HcPro might be involved in a process of the potyvirus cycle different from aphid transmission.


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