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An orbivirus identified as St Croix River virus (SCRV) was isolated from cells of ticks. Electron microscopy showed particles with typical orbivirus morphology. The SCRV genome was sequenced completely and compared to previously characterized orbivirus genomes. Significant identity scores (21–38%) were detected between proteins encoded by segments S1, S2, S4, S5, S6, S8, S9 and S10 of SCRV and those encoded by segments S1, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S9 and S10, respectively, of (BTV), the prototype orbivirus species. The protein encoded by SCRV genome segment 3 (VP3) is thought to be the equivalent of VP2 of BTV. Segment 7 encodes a protein homologous to non-structural protein NS2(ViP) of BTV. Analysis of VP1(Pol) (segment 1) shows that SCRV is an orbivirus, distantly related to the other sequenced species. Blot hybridizations and sequence comparisons of the conserved protein encoded by genome segment 2 (the T2 subcore shell protein) with previously identified orbiviruses confirm that SCRV is a distinct orbivirus species, unrelated to another tick-borne species, . The presence of SCRV in cells prepared from tick eggs suggests that transovarial transmission of SCRV may occur in ticks.


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