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Innate resistance to flaviviruses in mice is active in the brain where it restricts virus replication. This resistance is controlled by a single genetic locus, , located on mouse chromosome 5 near the locus encoding the neuronal form of nitric oxide synthase (). Since nitric oxide (NO) has been implicated in antiviral activity, its involvement in natural resistance to flaviviruses has been hypothesized. Here we present data on NO production before and during flavivirus infection in both brain tissue and peritoneal macrophages from two flavivirus-resistant ( ) and one congenic susceptible ( ) mouse strains. This study provides evidence that NO is not involved in the expression of flavivirus resistance controlled by since: () there is no difference in brain tissue NO levels between susceptible and resistant mice, and () lipopolysaccharide-induced NO does not abrogate the difference in flavivirus replication in peritoneal macrophages from susceptible and resistant mice.


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