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The complete nucleotide sequence of the blackgram isolate of mungbean yellow mosaic virus, IMYMV-Bg, which infects legumes in India, was determined and compared at the amino acid level with those of other whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses. The genome organization of IMYMV-Bg was similar to that of the begomoviruses. A unique feature of the genome organization was the sequence divergence of the common region (CR) between DNA-A and DNA-B. In order to understand the mechanism of viral DNA replication, the replication initiator protein, Rep, of IMYMV-Bg was overexpressed in . The recombinant and refolded Rep bound to CR-sequences of IMYMV-Bg in a specific manner. In this study, evidence is presented for ATP-upregulated cleavage function and ATP-mediated conformational change of Rep. It is hypothesized that, although ATP is not required for cleavage, ATP-mediated conformational changes may result in better access of Rep to the DNA-cleavage site. Evidence is also presented for a site-specific topoisomerase function of Rep, which has not been demonstrated before. The Rep protein can be classified as a type-I topoisomerase because of its nicking activity and sensitivity towards camptothecin, a topoisomerase type-I inhibitor.


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