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We have shown previously that the movement protein (MP) and coat protein (CP) of (MSV) are both required for systemic infection. Towards understanding the roles of these two proteins in virus movement, each was expressed in . and interactions of the MP with viral DNA or CP were investigated using south-western, gel overlay and immunoprecipitation assays. Unlike the CP, the MP did not bind to viral DNA but it interacted with the CP and an MP–CP complex was detected in extracts from MSV-infected maize, indicating the potential for an interaction . Microinjection showed that the MP could prevent the nuclear transport of an MSV CP–DNA complex in maize and tobacco cells. These results are consistent with a model in which the MP diverts a CP–DNA complex from the nucleus (where viral DNA replication takes place) to the cell periphery, and in co-operation with the CP, mediates the cell-to-cell movement of the viral DNA. In this respect, the MSV MP and CP have functional analogy with the BC1 and BV1 proteins, respectively, of the genus of the .


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