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The human tumour virus Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) encodes a 17 kDa protein, BHRF1, which is a member of the -2 family and has been shown to suppress apoptosis. The role of this gene in the life-cycle of EBV has not been fully elucidated. In order to identify motifs conserved in herpesviruses and possibly shed light on its function we isolated a BHRF1 homologue from herpesvirus papio (cercopithecine herpesvirus12) a closely related gammaherpesvirus of baboons. The gene, hvpBHRF1, also encodes a 17 kDa protein which shares 64% identity and 79% similarity with EBV BHRF1 at the amino acid level. In biological assays, hvpBHRF1 and BHRF1 conferred similar levels of protection on human keratinocytes induced to apoptose with -platin.


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