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To identify new subtype G human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) strains and AG recombinant forms, we collected 28 serum samples from immigrants to the Netherlands from 12 countries throughout Africa. Based on the sequences 22 isolates were identified as subtype A or G. Phylogenetic analysis of discontinuous regions ofthe (726 nt), (1176 nt) and (276 nt) genes revealed 13 AG recombinants with the mosaic structure A/G/A, three with A/G/G and one other with A /G/G , in addition to ‘pure’ subtypes A/A/A (=1) and G/G/G (=4). To analyse the crossover points in more detail, a new RT–PCR was developed resulting in a large contiguous sequence of 2600 nt from the region to half the region. All the 13 A/G/A recombinants appeared to belong to the circulating recombinant form (CRF) AG (IbNG). The three A/G /G recombinants differed from the CRF AG (IbNG) subtype, suggesting the identification of a new CRF subtype. The recovery of AG recombinants from African countries a thousand miles apart indicates the active spread of new recombinants.


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