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L’isolement de mutants spontanés thermosensibles a permis d’entreprendre l’étude génétique du Virus de la Stomatite Vésiculaire. Ces mutants donnent des plages à 30° sur un tapis de fibroblastes de poulet mais n’en donnent pas à 39.8 ± 0.2°. Cet article rapporte le résultat de tests de complémentation conduisant à classer 71 mutants en 5 groupes.

Seventy-one spontaneous thermosensitive mutants of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus were isolated and tested for complementation. The spontaneous mutation rate seems to be very high since 2.3% of mutants were found in wild-type clones. Experiments were performed at 30° (permissive temperature) and 39.8° (non-permissive temperature). The mutants can be classified into five complementation groups. 58 mutants fall into the first group.


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