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Potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV) movement through phloem of PLRV-resistant potato clones was examined in experiments in which stem pieces were grafted either between infected rootstocks and virus-free susceptible scions or between infected scions and virus-free susceptible rootstocks. These test plants permitted either upwards or downwards virus movement into the susceptible tissue. Resistant potato clones had either host gene-mediated resistance (H-MR) or transgene-mediated resistance (T-NR, conferred by transformation with the PLRV coat protein gene) to PLRV accumulation. The rate of PLRV movement was similar whether stem tissue was taken from H-MR, T-MR or susceptible potato clones. Virus movement through two graft unions began around 7 days after grafting and was generally complete by about 14 to 16 days. Virus movement occurred soon after acquiring functional phloem continuity across grafts as demonstrated by tracing with 6(5)-carboxyfluorescein, a phloem-mobile dye. Most of the delay in virus detection after grafting probably resulted from the time necessary to develop new phloem strands across graft unions; subsequent movement of PLRV was rapid suggesting a passive process. PLRV infection was largely excluded from external phloem bundles in stem tissue of clones with either H-MR or T-MR. This trait was less pronounced as tissue aged. The mechanism limiting PLRV invasion of external phloem bundles of the T-MR clones appears to be similar to that operating in the H-MR clones. Results are discussed in the context of a proposed model of PLRV movement.


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