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The sequence of the 7356 nucleotide [excluding the 3′ poly(A)] RNA-1 of tomato black ring virus (TBRV) was determined from overlapping cDNA clones. A putative initiation codon at nucleotide 261 was considered to be the start of an open reading frame which terminates at a UAG codon at position 7053. The predicted translation product is a protein of 2264 amino acids with an of 253680 (254K). Comparison of the amino acid sequence of this 254K protein with other viral proteins revealed three regions, each having about 60% homology with a region of the three cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) proteins (58K, 24K, 87K) which are thought to be involved in replication of the CPMV RNAs. The same regions show similarities, although less extended, with proteins 2C, 3C and 3D of picornaviruses. From these results we suggest that the genome organization of TBRV is similar to that of comoviruses and picornaviruses.


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