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The antigenic sites recognized by monoclonal antibodies with neutralizing activity for the Sabin vaccine strains of poliovirus of serotypes 1, 2 and 3 have been studied by the isolation and characterization of mutants resistant to neutralization by antibody. Three distinct sites have been identified which are designated site 1, site 2 and site 3. Site 1 includes a region of 12 amino acids of VP1, from residues 89 to 100, and a corresponding region of VP1 has been identified as an antigenic site for poliovirus 2. This site was strongly immunodominant in type 2 and type 3 but was not detected for poliovirus 1. Site 2 is a complex site including residues 220 to 222 from VP1 (site 2a) with residues including 169 and 170 and others of VP2 (site 2b). Both site 2a and site 2b have been detected in type 1 poliovirus, while as yet only site 2b has been detected in type 3 poliovirus. Site 3 is a complex site including residues 286 to 290 from VP1 (site 3a) with residues including 58 and 59 and others of VP3 (site 3b). Both sites 3a and 3b have been detected in type 3 poliovirus, while as yet only site 3b has been detected in type 1 poliovirus.


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