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80P22, a hybrid between 80 and P22, carries all the late genes of 80 and most of the P22 early region including the C and I bipartite immunity loci. The presence of the I region allows this hybrid to grow on lysogens of 80P22 hybrids which have the C locus, but not the I locus. In addition to these P22 immunity regions, 80P22 contains the P22 marker so that the prophage can be inserted into the chromosomal P22 attachment site adjacent to the region of the host. Unlike its 80 parent which performs specialized transduction of the region, 80P22 transduces markers located adjacent to its attachment site to K12 recipients at high frequencies (0.3% for and 0.18% for ). Induction of 80P22 lysogens yields new hybrid phage clones which have incorporated K12 chromosomal segments in place of the P22 to segment. Having lost the I region, the new hybrids no longer grow in 80P22 lysogens. These new hybrids, termed 80P22 , possess specialized transducing properties, transferring the and markers at higher frequencies (21% for and 12% for ) than previously obtained with the 80P22 phage.

Keyword(s): P22 , phage hybrids , transduction and ø80

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