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Attempts were made to determine more precisely the structure and properties of a closterovirus, beet yellows virus (BYV), and a luteovirus, beet mild yellowing virus (BMYV), by scanning transmission electron microscopy, optical diffraction of electron images and acrylamide gel electrophoresis. It was shown that BYV has a mol. wt. of 76.5 × 106, including an RNA of 4.15 × 106. The pitch of the helix is 3.7 nm and there would be 8.5 protein subunits per turn. BMYV particles have a diameter of 26 nm and a total mol. wt. of 6.5(±0.45) × 106. The mol. wt. of the protein subunit is about 24000 and that of the RNA 2 × 106.
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