
The taxonomic position of the virus of transmissible gastroenteritis of swine is not yet clear. On the basis of ether sensitivity, size determination and electron microscopy, it has been suggested that it may be related either to the myxoviruses or to the herpesvirus group (Cartwright . 1962; Ristic, Sibinovic & Alberts, 1965; Sheffy, 1965; Okaniwa . 1966). Nikolsky . (1967) stated that particles of the virus isolated in the Ukraine, from pigs suffering from infectious gastroenteritis, are icosahedral with 5:3:2 symmetry and have 252 capsomeres, characteristics of the adenovirus group. However, the relationship between the viruses that have been isolated is not clear and it is possible that more than one agent is being described under the designation of transmissible gastroenteritis. Sheffy (1965) examined the effect of the metabolic inhibitors 5-fluorodeoxyuridine and 5-iododeoxyuridine on the multiplication of the Japanese strain of the virus and concluded that it contains RNA and belongs to the myxovirus group.


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