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Thin sections of L. leaf tissues infected either by the Rothamsted culture (HMV-) or an Italian isolate (‘alkekengi’ strain = HMV-) of henbane mosaic virus, were examined in the electron microscope.

The cytoplasm of most cells contained lamellar inclusions, which appeared as parallel lines, pinwheels, rings or arcs in the sections, typical of infection with viruses of the potato virus Y group, and long crystalline structures, apparently made up of elongated elements 8 to 10 nm. in diameter, arranged in a lattice. Flexuous threads, about 10 nm. wide, of moderate electron density, probably representing HMV particles , were seen scattered in the cytoplasm or lying parallel to the tonoplast or the lamellar inclusions.

The most remarkable observation, however, was the presence of aggregates of numerous (up to 40) long, cylindrical mitochondria, tightly packed in certain areas of the cytoplasm. Between adjacent mitochondria there was a layer of elongated, virus-like particles, running parallel and longitudinally to the mitochondrial surface.


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