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In foetal cell cultures and leucocytes, Sendai virus induced considerably higher levels of interferon than rubella, whereas in placental cultures this was reversed. A low passage strain of rubella virus, -, which was originally isolated in Japan and is non-teratogenic in rabbits, produced particularly high levels of interferon in placental cultures, this being most marked at an m.o.i. of 1 and 15. Although the number of experiments conducted with brain, spleen, heart and amnion cultures was far fewer than with lung cultures, it appeared that comparable levels of interferon were produced by different cell cultures derived from the same foetus. Foetal cultures, leucocytes and placental cultures, derived from foetuses varying in gestational age from 10 to 23 weeks, were capable of producing interferon when infected by Sendai or rubella virus, but levels were unrelated to gestational age.


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