Volume 21,
Issue 2,
Volume 21, Issue 2, 1971
- Original Papers Relating To Systematic Bacteriology
Nomenclatural Considerations of Certain Species of Lactobacillus Beijerinck
More LessThe original description (2) of Lactobacillus delbrueckii (Leichmann) Beijerinck 1901 was confused with that of L. fermentum Beijerinck 1901. Although Opinion 38 of the Judicial Commission of the International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology (16, 17) accepts L. delbrueckii as the type species, the status of L. fermentum is unclear, and the name L. fermentum has probably not been validly published. To clarify matters, the synonomy and description of L. delbrueckii (neotype strain ATCC 9649) are herein up-dated; as a corollary, we request the Judicial Commission of the International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology to issue an Opinion conserving L. fermentum and associating its concept with the description of the herein designated neotype strain of L. fermentum, ATCC 14931. As a separate matter, a number of Lactobacillus species names have been erroneously attributed to Holland (74); these citations are appropriately reviewed and corrected as follows: L. helveticus (Orla-Jensen) Bergey et al. 1925—designated neotype strain ATCC 15009, L. lactis (Orla-Jensen) Bergey et al. 1934—designated neotype strain ATCC 12315, L. bulgaricus (Orla-Jensen) comb. nov.—designated neotype strain ATCC 11842, L. plantarum (Orla-Jensen) Bergey et al. 1923—type strain ATCC 14917. Concepts associated with the above names and with L. leichmannii (Henneberg) Bergey et al.—designated neotype strain ATCC 4797, L. buchneri (Henneberg) Bergey et al. 1923—designated neotype strain ATCC 4005, and L. brevis (Orla-Jensen) Bergey et al. 1934—designated neotype strain ATCC 14869, are discussed in a modern context. Basionyms and other synonyms, author citations, descriptions of type and neotype strains, and justifications of the proposals are presented.
Transfer of Peptostreptococcus elsdenii Gutierrez et al. to a New Genus, Megasphaera [M. elsdenii (Gutierrez et al.) comb. nov.]
More LessPeptostreptococcus elsdenii Gutierrez et al. 1959 does not have the characteristics of the genus Peptostreptococcus Kluyver and van Niel. The organism appears to be unique and is here relegated to a new genus, Megasphaera. The type species is Megasphaera elsdenii (Gutierrez et al.) comb. nov., of which the type strain is LC1 (= ATCC 25940 = NCIB 8927). The placement of this genus in a family will be done in a future publication.
Mycobacterium avium Chester
More LessThe first scientific name applied to the agent of avian tuberculosis was Bacillus tuberculosis gallinarum Sternberg. This name was validly published, and it is legitimate. The specific epithet conveys a single idea even though it consists of two words; these should be hyphenated and regarded as a single specific epithet. However, the name that has been used for this organism for decades is Mycobacterium avium, a name ordinarily attributed to Chester. Although there is some question concerning the validity of publication of the name Mycobacterium avium Chester and even though the specific epithet is illegitimate, the Judicial Commission of the International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology is asked to conserve this name in the interest of stability in nomenclature.
Mycobacterium avium Chester
More LessThe Judicial Commission has been requested (10) to issue an Opinion conserving the name Mycobacterium avium Chester. None of the strains on which the original description of this organism were based appears to be extant, and therefore strain SSC 1336 (=ATCC 25291) is here designated as the neotype strain of M. avium Chester. This strain was isolated from lesions of a hen and promptly deposited in the American Type Culture Collection for long-term preservation. It belongs to serotype 2, conforms to the current description of the species, and has the approval of the International Subcommittee on the Taxonomy of Mycobacteria for designation as the neotype strain. A description of the neotype strain is given.
Nomenclature of Bacteria with Special Reference to the Order Actinomycetales 1
More LessThe number of names for streptomycetes that is in the scientific literature now is exceeded only by those for organisms placed in the genus Bacillus Cohn 1872. The genus Streptomyces Waksman and Henrici 1943 may well rank in first place if names in the patent and quasiscientific literature are included. The overwhelming number of names and the lack of a precise definition of a particular species or subspecies, of type or neotype strains, and of certain essential details have brought about problems in assessing the status of many names. The major problems encountered in a 2-year study are discussed, and a simple format is suggested, use of which may help to clarify future nomenclature.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid Homology of Aerococcus viridans 1
More LessDeoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was purified from cultures of 16 strains that, on the basis of physiological tests, appeared to be strains of Aerococcus viridans (although one was named Gaffkya homari and two were called Aerococcus catalasicus). The DNA base composition of 15 of these strains, as determined by the thermal denaturation technique, was within the range of 37.0 to 40.2% guanine plus cytosine. The relative nucleotide sequence homology was measured by DNA-DNA hybridization on nitrocellulose membrane filters. The DNA from most strains hybridized with the DNA from other strains to the extent of 69 to 100% of the level of homologous binding. Limited studies indicated that under the conditions of these studies there was less than 12% homology with the DNA of several pediococci, one enterococcus, and one strain of Gaffkya tetragena.
- Matters Relating To The International Committee On Nomenclature Of Bacteria
- Errata
- Special Report
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