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A novel Gram-stain-negative, rod-shaped, aerobic and motile bacterium designated strain UL073 was isolated from a forest soil of an island, and subjected to taxonomic characterization. Strain UL073 grew at 10–37 °C (optimum, 30 °C), at pH 5.0–10.0 (optimum, pH 7.0) and in the presence of 0–3 % NaCl (optimum, 0 %), respectively. Strain UL073 showed the highest sequence similarity to PE08 based on 16S rRNA gene analysis with a sequence similarity of 98.08 %, which was well below the suggested cutoff for species distinction. The 16S rRNA gene tree as well as the multilocus sequence analysis and genome-based trees indicated the independent taxonomic position of strain UL073, and the orthologous average nucleotide identity and DNA–DNA hybridization values between strain UL073 and related species were no higher than 84.7 and 28.3% respectively, thus confirming the distinctive taxonomic position of the strain. The chemotaxonomic properties were consistent with those of the genus, as the major fatty acids of the strain were a summed feature consisting of C ω7/C ω6 (31.4 %), another summed feature consisting of C ω7/C ω6 (23.1 %), and C (22.0 %), the major respiratory quinone was ubiquinone 9, and the major polar lipids were phosphatidylethanolamine and diphosphatidylglycerol. The genome size and DNA G+C content of strain UL073 were 4.87 Mbp and 65.9 mol%. On the basis of phenotypic and phylogenetic evidence, strain UL073 should be classified as representing a novel species of , for which the name sp. nov. (type strain=UL073=KCTC 82407=JCM 34511) is proposed.

This study was supported by the:
  • National Institute of Biological Resources
    • Principle Award Recipient: SeungBum Kim

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