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A study on the polyphasic taxonomic classification of an strain, R-73987, isolated from the rectal mucus of a porcine intestinal tract, was performed. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence revealed that the strain could be assigned to the genus and suggested that strain R-73987 belongs to a novel undescribed species. Comparative analysis of the gene sequence confirmed the findings. LMG 28519 was identified as its closest neighbour in a multigene analysis based on 107 protein- encoding genes. Further, whole-genome sequence comparisons by means of average nucleotide identity and DNA–DNA hybridization between the genome of strain R-73987 and the genomes of validly named species resulted in values below 95–96 and 70  %, respectively. In addition, a phenotypic analysis further corroborated the conclusion that strain R-73987 represents a novel species, for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is R-73987 (=LMG 31429=CCUG 75005). This appears to be the first species recovered from porcine intestinal mucus.


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