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A detailed evaluation of eight bacterial isolates from floral nectar and animal visitors to flowers shows evidence that they represent three novel species in the genus Acinetobacter . Phylogenomic analysis shows the closest relatives of these new isolates are Acinetobacter apis , Acinetobacter boissieri and Acinetobacter nectaris , previously described species associated with floral nectar and bees, but high genome-wide sequence divergence defines these isolates as novel species. Pairwise comparisons of the average nucleotide identity of the new isolates compared to known species is extremely low (<83 %), thus confirming that these samples are representative of three novel Acinetobacter species, for which the names Acinetobacter pollinis sp. nov., Acinetobacter baretiae sp. nov. and Acinetobacter rathckeae sp. nov. are proposed. The respective type strains are SCC477T (=TSD-214T=LMG 31655T), B10AT (=TSD-213T=LMG 31702T) and EC24T (=TSD-215T=LMG 31703T=DSM 111781T).
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National Science Foundation (US)
(Award DEB 1737758)
- Principle Award Recipient: TadashiFukami
National Science Foundation (US)
(Award DEB 1846266)
- Principle Award Recipient: RachelL. Vannette
U.S. Department of Energy (US)
(Award DE-AC52-07NA27344)
- Principle Award Recipient: MeganM. Morris
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (ES)
(Award RYC2018-023847-I)
- Principle Award Recipient: SergioAlvarez-Perez
H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
(Award 742964)
- Principle Award Recipient: SergioAlvarez-Perez