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In the present study, the taxonomic positions of five strains (C, 17-2, LMG 10779, LMG 18969 and LMG 11483) of were re-evaluated by a polyphasic approach, including the analyses of 16S rRNA, and gene sequences, cellular fatty acids, average nucleotide and amino acid identities (ANI and AAI), digital DNA–DNA hybridization (dDDH), and phenotypic features. Based on sequence analysis, the five strains and LMG 11482 were divided into two groups: strains C, LMG 10779 and LMG 18969; strains 17-2, LMG 11483 and LMG 11482. Each of the two groups had almost identical sequences. The sequence similarity between strain LMG 10779 and LMG 11482 was 95.6 %. Strains LMG 11483 and 17-2 had 98.1 and 97.2 % ANI values, 83.5 and 73.2 % dDDH values, and a 97.0 % AAI value with LMG 11482, greater than the threshold for species demarcation, indicating that strains LMG 11483 and 17-2 belong to . Strains LMG 18969 and C shared 97.1 and 98.2 % ANI values, 73.4 and 83.2 % dDDH values, and 96.9 and 96.6 % AAI values with strain LMG 10779, greater than the threshold for species demarcation, indicating that strains LMG 10779, LMG 18969 and C represent the same species. The ANI, dDDH and AAI values between strain LMG 10779 and the type strains of phylogenetically related species were 75.2–92.5, 20.0–48.2 and 75.3–93.9 %, respectively, below the thresholds for species demarcation, indicating that strain LMG 10779 represents a novel species within the genus . On the basis of the results presented here, (i) strains 17-2 and LMG 11483 belong to , and (ii) strains LMG 10779, LMG 18969 and C are considered to represent a novel species within the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed with the type strain LMG 10779 (=CCUG 27119).

This study was supported by the:
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (Award 31471594)
    • Principle Award Recipient: ChunTao Gu

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