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A Gram-negative, strictly aerobic, gliding motility, none-spore forming, yellow, rods bacterial strain, designated XS-5, was isolated from rhizosphere soil of , in Tumd Right Banner, Inner Mongolia, PR China. A phylogenetic tree based on the 16S rRNA gene sequences and the phylogenomic tree both showed that strain XS-5 clustered with F44-8 (shared 97.2 % of 16S rRNA gene similarity) and FCS-5 (97.6 %), and shared <96.0 % of 16S rRNA gene similarities with all other type strains. Strain XS-5 contained MK-6 as the major respiratory quinone. Its major polar lipids were phosphatidylethanolamine, an unidentified aminolipid and an unidentified lipid; and the major fatty acids were iso-C, iso-C 3-OH, C, iso-C 3-OH, Summed feature 3 (iso-C 2-OH and/or C ω), and Summed feature 9 (iso-C 9 and/or C 10-methyl). The genome consisted of a 3 985 855 bp circular chromosome, with a G+C content of 37.9 mol%, predicting 3616 coding sequences genes, 45 tRNA genes and three rRNA operons. The average nucleotide identity, amino acid identity and digital DNA–DNA hybridization values of strain XS-5 to F44-8 and FCS-5 were 79.2 and 79.2 %, 81.7 and 81.6 %, 22.3 and 22.2 %, respectively. The results of phylogenetic, physiological and biochemical tests allowed the discrimination of strain XS-5 from its phylogenetic relatives. sp. nov. is therefore proposed with strain XS-5 (=CGMCC 1.17077=KCTC 72459) as the type strain.

This study was supported by the:
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (Award 31960020)
    • Principle Award Recipient: Ji-Quan Sun

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