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Six polymorphic yeast strains with strong antifungal activities isolated from dicot plants in an alkaline-lake desert region were subjected to taxonomic examination. The phylogenetic trees reconstructed by using neighbour-joining, maximum-likelihood and Bayesian methods from concatenated D1/D2 and ITS-5.8S-ITS2 sequences revealed phylogenetic affinity to Ustilaginaceae, but the large phylogenetic distance separating the isolates from the most closely related groups of species indicates that they represent a separate species. The sequences of the genes coding for the LSU rDNA, act1, rpb2 and a protein of unknown function corroborate this position. The isolates can easily be distinguished from their closest relatives by physiological tests (utilisation of carbon and nitrogen sources). Based on these results, a new species, sp. nov., is proposed to accommodate the isolates. All isolates are polymorphic. Transitions between budding-yeast and pseudohyphal morphologies which take place during colony formation result in morphologically different colony sectors and invasive growth into the medium. Neither sexual mating nor sporulation was observed in cultures growing on laboratory media.

This study was supported by the:
  • Nemzeti Kutatási Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal (Award K-124417)
    • Principle Award Recipient: Matthias Sipiczki

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