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A psychrophilic, Gram-stain-positive, rod-shaped bacterium, designated Hh39, was isolated from Xinjiang No. 1 glacier in PR China. Strain Hh39 was catalase-positive, oxidase-negative and could grow at 0–18 °C, pH 6.0–11.0 and in the presence of 0–2.5 % (w/v) NaCl. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain Hh39 belonged to the genus . The highest level of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities were found to the type strains of (99.01 %), (98.90 %), (98.90 %) and (98.75 %). However, the low average nucleotide identity (80.65–81.89 %) and digital DNA–DNA hybridization values (22.1–23.8 %) between strain Hh39 and its four closest relatives indicated that it represents a novel species of the genus . The predominant fatty acids were anteiso-C, anteiso-C, iso-C and anteiso-C. The major menaquinone was MK-10. The polar lipids were diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol, one unidentified lipid and one unidentified glycolipid. On the basis of results of phenotypic, genotypic and phylogenetic analyses, a novel species, sp. nov., is proposed, with Hh39 (=NBRC 107884=CGMCC 1.11212) as the type strain.


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