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A Gram-negative rod, designated strain LLAN61, was isolated from a root nodule of growing in a saline soil sample from Lanzarote (Canary Islands). The strain grew optimally at 0.5 % (w/v) NaCl and tolerated up to 3.5 %. The 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that strain LLAN61 belonged to genus and that ORS 1419 and IAM 13584 are the closest related species with 97.93 and 97.86% similarity values, respectively. In the phylogeny, ORS 1419 and ATCC 43591, sharing similarities of 87.6 and 85.8% respectively, were also the closest species to strain LLAN61. DNA–DNA hybridization showed an average value of 21 % between strain LLAN61 and LMG 22833, and 6 % with ATCC 43590. The predominant fatty acids were C cyclo ω8 and Cω6/Cω7 (summed feature 8). The DNA G+C content was 58.0 mol%. Strain LLAN61 differed from its closest relatives in some culture conditions and in assimilation of several carbon sources. Based upon the results of phylogeny, DNA–DNA hybridization, phenotypic tests and fatty acid analysis, this strain should be classified as a novel species of for which the name sp. nov. is proposed (type strain LLAN61=LMG 30173 = CECT 9417).


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