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A Gram-staining-negative, aerobic, non-motile and rod-shaped bacterium that produced yellow viscous colonies, designated FL-8, was isolated from farmland soil in Chuzhou, Anhui province, PR China. 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities between strain FL-8 and the type strains of species of the genus with validly published names ranged from 94.6 to 96.1 %. Strain FL-8 contained iso-C G, iso-C and iso-C 3-OH as the predominant fatty acids. The predominant polar lipid of strain FL-8 was phosphatidylethanolamine. The sole respiratory quinone of strain FL-8 was MK-7 and the DNA G+C content was 44.8 mol%. On the basis of phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic data, strain FL-8 is considered to represent a novel species of the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is FL-8 (=CCTCC AB 2017059=JCM 32095).


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