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Two psychrotolerant facultative anaerobes, strains B7-2 and B5, were isolated from the Zoige Wetland on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of strains B7-2 and B5 shared high similarity (>99 %) with those of the type strains of the genus , while their digital DNA–DNA hybridization values with each other (49 %) and with the reference type strains (48–23 %) were lower than 70 %, which suggest that they represent two novel species of the genus . Cells of strains B7-2 and B5 were immotile cocci, grew in the temperature range of 4–37 °C (optimum 25 °C) and were alkaliphilic with optimum growth at pH 9.0. The major components of the cellular fatty acids were C, anteiso-C and C for strain B7-2, and C, anteiso-C, Cω9 and C for strain B5. The genomic DNA G+C contents were 46.0 and 46.7 mol% for strains B7-2 and B5, respectively. Based on physiological and genomic characteristics, it is suggested that strains B7-2 and B5 represent two novel species within the genus , for which the names sp. nov. and sp. nov. are proposed. The type strains are B7-2 (=DSM 104691=KCTC 33886) and B5 (=DSM 104692=KCTC 33885), respectively.


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