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A yellow-pigmented bacterial strain, JM-222, isolated from the root tissue of field-grown cotton () in Auburn, Alabama, USA, was studied for its taxonomic allocation. Cells of the isolate were rod-shaped and Gram-stain-negative. A analysis using the EzTaxon database showed that strain JM-222 shared highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with the type strain of (98.9 %) followed by (96.7 %). 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities to all other species were below 95 %. The fatty acid profile of strain JM-222 consisted of the major fatty acids C, iso-C, iso-C 2-OH/Cω7 and iso-C 3-OH. Major compounds in the polar lipid profile were phosphatidylethanolamine and several unidentified lipids. The quinone system consisted predominantly of menaquinone MK-6. The polyamine pattern consisted of the major compound -homospermidine and only minor amounts of other polyamines. These data and the differential biochemical and chemotaxonomic properties showed that the isolate JM-222 represents a novel species of the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is JM-222 (LMG 28821=CCM 8610).


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